Help Power Up Ukraine!

Waves of Russian air strikes on critical infrastructure in recent weeks have seriously damaged Ukraine's power grid and led to emergency and planned outages across the country.

Ukraine faces an extreme challenge to provide reliable and consistent electric power to citizens, especially amid a bitterly cold winter.

The Rotary Club Kharkiv "New Level" and The Rotary Club of Evergreen, Colorado, and friends, invite you to contribute to Phase I of a large-scale effort to "POWER UP" Ukraine. This campaign aims to provide power to critical facilities like hospitals, field clinics and humanitarian hubs in Ukraine by providing portable power generators.

Through our vetted partners at New Use Energy, Rotary volunteers have found a way to rapidly deploy 4 quality portable backup generators directly to Kharkiv Regional Clinical Perinatal Center in eastern Ukraine which was hit hard by Russian strikes that have knocked out grid power sources and crippled much of the infrastructure.

The supplier warehouse in Lviv, Ukraine, has units ready to ship to our Rotary partners just as soon as the funds are raised!

Hospitals in Ukraine are under immense strain that will likely continue for a long time regardless of how quickly the war can be ended. Vital medical equipment is rendered useless when there is no power and many lives are at stake.

These units are portable and can be charged via solar, grid or diesel generator very quickly, and then used as backup power for critical medical equipment.

Please contribute to our cause as the need is critical, lives are at stake and time is of the essence!


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